Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Turning furniture into a house for someone else

For quite some time I have thought about helping out with Habitat for Humanity on one of their builds.  I decided that 2016 is the year to do it, and have signed up for a build in Nicaragua in late January.  They still need a few more people to join the team, in case you are interested.

To participate, we need to do our own fundraising, so I have decided that I will put all of the money I get from selling my furniture, snowblower and other things towards my Nicaragua fund.  I already have commitments for over $1000.

I also sell beeswax candles, and from now until I leave in January, will be putting all money received (all money, not just the profits) towards my build fund.  Last weekend my yogi friends bought $320 worth of candles which was greatly appreciated as a good start to my fundraising.

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